Wednesday, April 12, 2006


There's this guy friend I touch base with whenever he can fit me into his busy travelling schedule. I've known him for years, he's an old family friend. It was only in the last few years that we've become truly connected and are discovering some things are common and special. 
Good solid friendships can take years to develop to a certain level of comfort and intimacy.

Perhaps there's a karmic link and we are working this karma out now. I can't put a finger on this relationship. We have some good times together but are totally detached from each other. It's a relationship and friendship that connects on a mental level, at times I feel, also at a soul level. He's terribly smart so I'm not sure what he sees in me......perhaps as a 'dumb' brunette - safe, discreet, undemanding, non-threatening. It can't be youth for I'm no spring chicken.....but than, neither is he, as a matter of fact, he's a grandad of 1, and he's younger than I. Ha!

The lucky bugger has every damn thing, I have nothing much to brag about. He has achieved much and has some social standing. Me? I'm almost famous.......still working on that one.

When we meet over coffee, wine or a nice meal, we talk for hours. It surprises us that we can talk so much for so long, for we are not into frivolous yakking with anybody else. We share anecdotes we do not share with family or my closest buddies. 

Some of his snippets about prominent people will never see the light of day in the dailies or society mags, for he does rub shoulders with the upper crust - politicians, captains of industry, top honchos, high society mamas and papas, high fliers movers and shakers - the whole gamut of Who's Who of Singapore's elite.

 Chatting with me that long is foreplay. It gets his creative juices flowing. I didn't realise I had so much power. How do I shake him off? Do I want to? He's a dear buddy who cares what happens to me....but rolling in the hay? That happens on Blue Black Mountain.

This horny devil has class. Wine or champagne with dinner, 'come into my parlour' is the way to go. There's something to be said about adult relationships where the ground rules are established, it's actually quite workable......for masochists.......or those who are adepts at detachment.

The games people play...


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