Wednesday, July 05, 2006


It is significant that the source of some of the most important and largest rivers in Asia originate from the highlands of Tibet and the Everest region...

Tibet was everything I had imagined it to be. Spectacular mountain sceneries, desolate wind swept plateaus....as far as the eye can see, its lakes, mountains and blue skies with fluffy white clouds....took my breath away....or was it the high altitude?
I was one of the fortunate few who did not succumb to altitude sickness.

Native Tibetans look a lot like Mongolians. They are still a chiefly nomadic people. Many look like native Peruvians with their plaits, hats and dark long dresses dressed up with colourful woven aprons and bags. Their men wear cowboy hats and boots - I'm curious at the connection with the native Peruvian Indians.

Tibetan Buddhism is too complex for my liking, too ritualistic, but at least they place importance on the sacred feminine. The Potala Palace and the Drepang Monastery were truly beautiful but has become materialistic places of 'worship' where money is God.

An American friend tells me that in Calif. Tibetan Buddhism is minimalist, zen. It's the market it's catering to, just as in this part of the world, they need the rituals, the images ....and of course the 'donations'....to secure for themselves a place in 'heaven' or a successful business where material possessions play an important role in their lives

The Sacred Feminine

Inside the Potala Palace - an ancient and huge monastery - populated by business-minded monks who would have come across from China. Original Tibetan monks have become scarce...

Great yogis and their closest disciples have always written/spoke about Tibet and the time they spent sitting at the feet of their Masters during their long years of training. I was fortunate to go out of Lhasa to see the more unspoilt rural areas where the monasteries were not corrupted by money and tourists, its villagers happy, contented, warm and friendly. They live so much in the moment, communing with Mother Nature surrounded by the Elements..

Tibetan maiden with a beautiful handmade jewelled headress. The people are shy, not pushy when peddling their wares. As China opens up the place to more tourists and Buddhist pilgrims, I can imagine how the place will be like in the near future. As it is now the Lhasa monasteries are highly commercialised, it's 'monks' a corrupt lot...


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