Sunday, August 09, 2020


Checked out this Northern region of Singapore by joining a hiking group. It's certainly quiet in these parts, deserted in some areas - what a refreshing change! There are some old areas in between residential homes, with much wooded areas around - it's a nice estate - for those who like quiet with less people in the public spaces. It could be because there was morning rain but no matter, it's certainly quieter than my estate...
Nobody else along this footpath!

Just across the narrow Straits of Johor is the Malaysian state of Johor

The British had a naval base here till their withdrawal leaving behind nice colonial style houses, taken over by the SG Government - below, a battleship playground...

The beach, if it can be called that - just across the narrow Straits is a Malaysian Johor port 

Beaulieu House...in front of it the Beaulieu Jetty...this was a holiday home of a Jewish businessman till the British Forces bought it as part of the Naval Base property...

Muddy paths - after the morning shower - took these shortcuts to the waterfront...

Wild flowers are getting rare on the roadsides - most of the attractive blooms are hybrids, they look good but are as good as 'dead' - you won't see insects on them. Those here are wild specimens I've not come across for an extremely long time. It's heartbreaking to have so much greenery without any insect/worm/bird life - it's just not natural.
I've written to NParks on this. And because there's no food for birds, they don't come here to nest so you don't see nests in trees, no  insect nests among leaves, no ants, no caterpillars, no bees - no life - it's dead, sanitised, sterile... residents are poorer for it...When I saw a handful of little butterflies and 2 dragonflies, I was actually excited!

One can spend an hour or more at our beautiful Botanic Gardens or in any of our public parks, without spotting any life. It's only in the 'outback' you may come across a handful. I'm just thankful I get to commune with them on my travels...

In India, there was an occasion when I walked along a leafy path and found myself in the company of crows and squirrels. The latter were full of curiosity, they scampered around my feet checking me out - they have lived peacefully where the locals respect them, don't hurt them, don't eat them, so the little critters are pure and innocent, not fearing a human when one crosses their path. The noisy crows remained on their perch, Indian crows are large, but they left me alone - crows are known to attack people and can see 'aura' - in another time they have been known to be associated with 'dark forces' 

Quaint village Sembawang mosque - I get to see these in Indonesia and some small towns in Malaysia

Another 1 1/2 hours walk to get here - my feet 'gave up the ghost' half way through so will save this hotspring for another time...