Wednesday, May 06, 2009


See: Post 57 - Altered State

....IN NUMBERS TOO BIG TO IGNORE....so goes the rallying cry of feminists everywhere. And the numbers aren't small for a place like Singapore - nearly 3000 - gathered in a room for an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of AWARE (Association of Women for Action & Research).

I had this post in draft waiting to see what would unfurl after that EGM, but the drama ended as quickly as it started. Plenty has been written and spoke about so I shall tweak this piece a little to put in my 2 cents worth.

This whole sorry episode reminds me of Roald Dahl's The Witches.

A group of women gathered for a clandestine meeting in a secret location. They were led by their mentor - the Grand High Witch. Once the doors were bolted, they made themselves comfortable - they removed their wigs, masks, gloves and shoes to reveal who they truly were - witches.

They were not a pretty sight - ugly, dark, insidious and sinister in thoughts and words. Now, to most people, these witches were ordinary women living ordinary lives and had ordinary jobs and on ordinary days, their neighbours and colleagues could'nt tell who they really were.

The agenda of this secret meeting was a plan to exterminate all the children of the world - dirty, grubby and smelly they were - a sinful blight on humanity was how they viewed them. 

This their Mentor planned to do by buying or taking over, all the candy stores that exist for as she said, they had plenty of money to do so having collected large sums of donations from unsuspecting humans towards 'a good cause.' 

These stores would be filled with all manner of sweets, candies, chocolates, produced from The Grand High Witch's recipes, which when consumed, would turn all the children into mice which would than be exterminated by pest exterminators, birds and cats.

This than, is the gist of The Witches. Roald Dahl was a keen observer of life. Some of his books were racist and stereotypical but than, the bloke's from another time, another place.

Incidentally, there was a time when a Witch meant a spiritual, wise women - they were healers and oracles, with powerful clairvoyant and clairaudient gifts. In certain circles they were known as The Quirs, meaning Wise Women.

Their abilities were seen as a threat to the Church's top brass who were envious and fearful that these women know so much, so the order went out to hunt down all such women, accused/framed them of consorting with the 'Devil' and promptly burned them at the stake. From here is derived the term 'witch hunt'...
Another word much maligned by the Church is Occult. In Latin, this means 'esoteric', 'hidden' as in hidden knowledge, hidden Truths, hidden wisdom, something not immediately seen nor perceived on the surface. 

For students of Esoteric Science (also known as Occult Science), Occultism is the most beautiful word that opens up the mind and heart to the world of profound wisdom, understanding and explanation of how, great evolved souls - including Isa (better known as Jesus), Baba and other Perfected Beings could do what they were able to do. They are Masters of the Occult Science.

"People wind-born, cloud-insert mirage born.
Wandering is not synonymous with stupidity but with freedom of soul and body. Will they fathom in the mirage what others seek or find in scripture?"

poem Peuple de l'errance (Nomads) about the Tuareg nomads by Tuareg poet, Soueloum Diagho

"Deafened by the voice of desire you are unaware the Beloved lives in the core of your heart. Stop the noise and you will hear 'His' voice in the Silence."

Jalaluddin Rumi, Persian Sufi poet


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