Mother, the Yin Energy - the female Creative aspect of 'God'
Mother, the Beautiful
There's only 1 race – the Human Race. Only 1 religion - Truth. To care for the less fortunate members of this one race is akin to caring for one's family members. It is easy to dismiss the poor and downtrodden as 'that's their karma' but it is the karma of the fortunate to help fellow souls evolve.
Mother Earth is home to this Human Race who live on her Body. She's a living, constantly changing organism.
'Mother' suggests nurturing, giving, caring. She has provided us with food from the Earth (Her Body) in the form of seeds, fruits, nuts, roots. There's plenty of water to sustain us (most of Mother's Body is water). Her trees provide shelter and keep the air fresh, for the human mammals need oxygen and Mother's trees, through photosynthesis, take away the poisonous carbon dioxide so detrimental to the humans. Carbon dioxide is to the trees what oxygen is to the humans. Such perfect balance, only Mother's love is so complete.
Mother never erected fences to separate her children - the divisions, in the form of religions, boundaries and immigration controls were created by the humans and their politics of power, control, dominance, greed, ambition, pride and ego.
Mother Earth's resources belong to the entire Human Race, not to any governments, individuals or corporations. The wealth reaped by mining her body - on land and sea - is to be shared by all - it has to be given back to society for the larger good. What we have created instead are governments acting in cahoots with corporations and individuals to form cartels which control supplies and prices.
The human mammals, in their ignorance, have hurt Mother's body. Her arteries are clogged by their pollution of her rivers, streams, her seas. She has a fever - large tracts of her body have been burned to clear land for 'development', and farmers who slash and burn. The smoke and other pollutants are choking her, killing her trees, destroying her forests which support other life forms, poisoning the air.
Under the Earth's crust, Mother is very much alive, with plenty going on. It's not just solid, inert earth and rocks. She's criss-crossed by water-tables and subterranean water bodies. Deeper under, she's real hot, like our own internal bodies - throbbing with heat and vitality. As most of Mother's body is water, so's our own - protoplasm...
The Earth's crust consists of plates which shift with movements by Mother's body, either in subtle ways or through great upheavals like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Our skull bones are like that when young, they overlapped and were flexible before they fused with age. Great upheavals by Planet Earth are Mother's attempts to heal her body, to balance it, to right the damage.
Mother's larger body is a constantly changing landscape. Our bodies change all the time too - cells die continously, new ones replace them. Stars in our Universe implode all the time, new ones replace them. This physical, created, material universe is the macrocosm - the big picture - of which we are the microcosm - the small picture. As above, so below.
'Mother' is the female creative aspect of 'God' - the one we can see, feel, experience. She presides over the physical, material world. 'Father' presides over the spiritual realm. 'Father' is the authority, the disciplinarian who passes judgements and punishments according to the Law of Karma, which determines our next birth. (Link: Post 24 -The Beast In Man)
Absolutely nothing remains the same forever and every single thing including our bodies, is in a constant state of flux. It is a Law of the Universe that Change is the only constant. This applies to our daily living as well - from ways of thinking and doing, to reforms by governments, corporations and schools, a paradigm shift is required. Change the gestalt. It is us who will inherit the Earth.
There is no religion higher than TRUTH - The Theosophical Society
There's only 1 race – the Human Race. Only 1 religion - Truth. To care for the less fortunate members of this one race is akin to caring for one's family members. It is easy to dismiss the poor and downtrodden as 'that's their karma' but it is the karma of the fortunate to help fellow souls evolve.
Mother Earth is home to this Human Race who live on her Body. She's a living, constantly changing organism.
'Mother' suggests nurturing, giving, caring. She has provided us with food from the Earth (Her Body) in the form of seeds, fruits, nuts, roots. There's plenty of water to sustain us (most of Mother's Body is water). Her trees provide shelter and keep the air fresh, for the human mammals need oxygen and Mother's trees, through photosynthesis, take away the poisonous carbon dioxide so detrimental to the humans. Carbon dioxide is to the trees what oxygen is to the humans. Such perfect balance, only Mother's love is so complete.
Mother never erected fences to separate her children - the divisions, in the form of religions, boundaries and immigration controls were created by the humans and their politics of power, control, dominance, greed, ambition, pride and ego.
Mother Earth's resources belong to the entire Human Race, not to any governments, individuals or corporations. The wealth reaped by mining her body - on land and sea - is to be shared by all - it has to be given back to society for the larger good. What we have created instead are governments acting in cahoots with corporations and individuals to form cartels which control supplies and prices.
The human mammals, in their ignorance, have hurt Mother's body. Her arteries are clogged by their pollution of her rivers, streams, her seas. She has a fever - large tracts of her body have been burned to clear land for 'development', and farmers who slash and burn. The smoke and other pollutants are choking her, killing her trees, destroying her forests which support other life forms, poisoning the air.
Under the Earth's crust, Mother is very much alive, with plenty going on. It's not just solid, inert earth and rocks. She's criss-crossed by water-tables and subterranean water bodies. Deeper under, she's real hot, like our own internal bodies - throbbing with heat and vitality. As most of Mother's body is water, so's our own - protoplasm...
The Earth's crust consists of plates which shift with movements by Mother's body, either in subtle ways or through great upheavals like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Our skull bones are like that when young, they overlapped and were flexible before they fused with age. Great upheavals by Planet Earth are Mother's attempts to heal her body, to balance it, to right the damage.
Mother's larger body is a constantly changing landscape. Our bodies change all the time too - cells die continously, new ones replace them. Stars in our Universe implode all the time, new ones replace them. This physical, created, material universe is the macrocosm - the big picture - of which we are the microcosm - the small picture. As above, so below.
'Mother' is the female creative aspect of 'God' - the one we can see, feel, experience. She presides over the physical, material world. 'Father' presides over the spiritual realm. 'Father' is the authority, the disciplinarian who passes judgements and punishments according to the Law of Karma, which determines our next birth. (Link: Post 24 -The Beast In Man)
Absolutely nothing remains the same forever and every single thing including our bodies, is in a constant state of flux. It is a Law of the Universe that Change is the only constant. This applies to our daily living as well - from ways of thinking and doing, to reforms by governments, corporations and schools, a paradigm shift is required. Change the gestalt. It is us who will inherit the Earth.
There is no religion higher than TRUTH - The Theosophical Society
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