Friday, March 27, 2015


see post 72 - Mother - Unconditional Love
post 25 - Mother As Above so Below

This was sent to me. I thought it said it so well I just had to have it in my blog for me to refer to. It's a bit much to reproduce all 7 major chakras in one post so I'm doing it one earth chakra at a time. For me at least, what takes place in the unseen spiritual realm controls everything that takes place in the physical...the locations mentioned here may be debatable but it's about what takes place around us as Mother goes about her job as a living breathing organism, ever new, ever changing - keeping her body and the inhabitants she supports - alive, clean, safe - but do the humans know this? They are the most destructive force on earth - totally ignorant, totally disconnected...we are not there yet but it's gaining momentum - we might get there yet if the humans don't obliterate themselves first...

Earth Chakras And Vortices – The Earth Energy Grid

Looking at Nature all around us, I can't help but marvel at its raw beauty and rhythm. Planet Earth is a conscious and vibrant living entity. With its own free will, it is meticulously orchestrating a symphony of equilibrium and constant evolution, communicating with all its inhabitants, the solar system and the universe.

Ancient civilizations revered their host as a sacred entity: they believed her to be their “Great Mother” and often built their megalithic sacred monuments in areas they considered “Earth’s Highest Energy Vortexes” or “Earth Chakras”. Structures like Stonehenge, the Pyramids of Egypt and Mayan, Aztec, and Incan monuments along with many temples, churches and pilgrimage sites are now considered powerful energetic spots. 

Location of the Earth's 7 Major Chakras

Ancient civilizations and modern esoteric traditions believe that the body of our physical blue planet materialized from a universal energy matrix and has a subtle structure, similar to the human energy field.

This energetic structure peaks in seven major “Chakra Sites” located on each continent, where the strongest Energy Vortexes are situated. Hundreds of minor earth chakras are also spread all over the planet. They are believed to be spherical in shape, expanding in all three dimensional directions in a spiral motion, with a radius extending for hundreds of kilometers. They may either spin clockwise or anti-clockwise.
Their location varies according to different traditions,but most accept the 7 main Chakras as being:

 1. Root Chakra : Mt.Shasta, California, USA
1. Root chakra: Mt. Shasta, California, United States.

Mt. Shasta is located at the southern end of the Cascade Range, which runs like a dragon from northern California, through Oregon, and through Washington to the Canadian border. There are many powerful mountains in this range, with Mt. Shasta and Mount Rainier – overlooking Seattle – the best known. 

If Shasta is the tail of this dragon, then Rainier is its mouth, or head. Impulses generated from Mt. Shasta, and directed to Mt. Rainier, resulted in the 1947 “UFO” phenomena gaining world attention. This increase in earth chakra transmission was in reaction to humanity’s introduction of atomic weaponry to conclude World War II.

Shasta is the most primal of the earth chakras. It is at the “base” of the world energy system. Here, the raw precursors of biological life are released into global circulation and development. Mt. Shasta regulates the universal life force prior to its integration into individual life forms and species. The energy of Shasta, as the first chakra, is like a geyser – a great uprush of life energy, or prana, without shape or structure.

When working with the forces of Mt. Shasta, it is vital to transfer all evoked energies to at least one of the other major world chakras. The life current of Shasta does not take form until it is transformed within one of the other great continental chakras. There are times when the transfer is from Chakra One to Chakra Two, or from One to Seven, for example. 

see: post 98 - Ida and Pingala 

 There are 5 areas of the Northern Hemisphere near 25 North that may be doors to other dimensions, often called "Vile Vortices":


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