Saturday, January 04, 2014


I'm a big fan of National Geographic mags and its cable TV. As a child growing up in Malaysia, there was not yet TV and other electronic distractions. The family subscribed to National Geographic magazines and Readers Digest and comics - this formed my staple reads. The pictures in Nat Geo fascinated me even if I couldn't understand every word.

Little did I realise this of course, that those images and the articles were filed away into the deep recesses of my mind.

These days, they have helped me connect the dots allowing me to see the big picture of Life and how we are indeed all connected to the Animal, Plant, Insect and Underwater Kingdoms and how truly we are All One - and how great Teachers over many centuries have tried to tell us and we have not managed to grasp this big picture. 

To all earnest seekers of Life and Truth, I recommend Nat Geo cable TV or Animal Planet or Nat Geo Wild and Discovery channels and any David Attenborough's documentaries - one can read so many books, ultimately they are just a lot of words and book knowledge. The rest of Life's learning comes from travelling with a keen observation and full awareness. This has allowed me to write from the heart....for that I'm grateful...

At the start of this blog in 2004, my early postings were all about how the human mammal is nomadic and how we can be  quite mixed within the DNA...those too nationalistic cannot accept this...but living in Singapore, I see this all around me and that can only be good, for Mother Nature is all about diversity and I see that in her varied Kingdoms. 

From this 'mixture' the new product is stronger, hardier, more resistent, more colourful...

The spawning instinct of the salmon is well known as they make their annual migration back to their birthplace - their spawning grounds - to fulfil their destiny...

This happens a lot in India and Pakistan and Bangladesh during their festivals but during end Ramadan, this exodus can get out of control...it's the homing instinct

 Boat refugees form another great migration group...

In China and Indonesia, great migrations take place every year as hordes head home to their towns and villages for the Chinese Lunar New Year and end of Ramadan.

In Singapore, Malaysians living here pack trains, coaches and planes, their tickets bought many months ahead. Transport companies brace themselves every year for this exodus with extra bus and train coaches and flights.

The large expat community do likewise as they too fly out during the Christmas and year end holidays - many head home, others invade resorts nearby...

Let's see your license lil buddy...


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