Thursday, September 05, 2013



It's an open secret Singapore men, young and old, travel the region for paid sex. The Sin$ goes a long way and where there's a demand there's a supply - as with any other 'goods'
Women in the neighbourhood know this demand and the power of the Sin$ and have brought their trade to Singapore. 

Every weekend, lone males (lone wolves is an apt term) or small groups of 2 to 4, young and old, hop on the ferries to Batam Island for their fix. Many older men  have 'mistresses' waiting to service them. There are those with wives who are aware of their activities but couldn't care less as long as their husbands don't touch them any more.

One lady I chatted with in Singapore drops her husband off at a brothel for an hour or 2 whilst she does her shopping and collects him later. 

Cases have been reported in our press of older men found dead in hotel rooms in the neighbourhood, of apparent heart attacks. These are in cities where young, nubile maidens can be bought for a song and will do their perverted bidding. Perhaps they died happy after one last stand - leaving their families scandalised and in shame - or perhaps they don't care as more and more families are dysfunctional, just as such men have dysfunctional problems too...the seizures coming about from the pills they take for surely if such pills interfere with the body's natural function they must affect other functions within the body...

In Thai cities, white men with pot bellies stroll down the streets with young sexy things one on each arm. Vietnam's popular with Singapore males as the girls speak Mandarin, are pretty and fair of skin. It's pathetic to watch. It brings to mind the teachings behind the 7 deadly sins...the weak human operate a lot on their senses causing their downfall...

The world's oldest profession will thrive because the human mammal is terribly weak and mortal...

And than, there are those, usually with means, who go through mock divorces to avoid the Taxmen. The human mind is terribly creative - they create good and bad all from the one person - and organised religion create the impression that the 'devil' is a separate entity! Even throw stones at a huge man-made edifice to cast out the 'devil'!

Author Tarun Tejpal (The Alchemy of Desire) says of his work 'Always the task is to take ordinary material and convert it into art' - I take my ordinary observations and convert it into an opinion piece.

With Singapore's rapidly aging population, we can expect to see more such headlines involving DOM - dirty old men

 hot off the press..

'75-year-old among 14 men charged for sex with underaged girl'  - Sep4. 2013

one last word...


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