Wednesday, September 20, 2017


This year's display at Gardens by the Bay has a different theme.
They've conceptualised a theme based on 2 well celebrated occasions - the Mid Autumn lantern and mooncake festival and the very American Halloween, to cater to all tastes...

Both will be fun events using lights and lighting to good effect for the night events. It will coincide with this year's Night Festival...

I can picture the neon lotuses lit up every night, together with the Grove - it would be spectacular!

These are lanterns - the installations are in the public areas - free to all...

Form and function - an event venue...

Promises of things to come - at the entrance foyer, the ceiling is decked out with pumpkin lanterns

Pumpkins galore - in all her colourful glory, diversity, variety...

The ugly' ones are the sweet ones - great for desserts as its sugar content causes those bumps

Gourds are part of the family

Misshapen ones are gorgeous looking - wish I can say the same of some unfortunate species!

For a bit of quirky fun, they added a pumpkin house and a farmer and his truck which was a little small for him...

...one of the scarecrows...

The Halloween Corner...

What's Halloween without the Peanuts gang - for I first came across Halloween from their comic strip...

The Horn of Plenty symbolises good harvests and Thanksgiving. Many agricultural societies observe the occasion with prayers and celebrations for the year's bountiful harvests  from Mother Earth, and to the Sun (Surya) for the warmth that allows plants to produce ample food and the rain that waters them. 
In Singapore, the South Indians offer Thanksgiving on Pongal, a harvest festival which is observed in the Indian sector in Little India...

I was more into these majestic tree trunks than the owls perched on them - they're beautifully crafted nonetheless...

Cinderella would be proud of this carriage if they could grow a pumpkin large enough... 

Kangaroo's paw

  The cheeky faces of pansies...

O Calla! Thou art so beauteous!

Black Beauty


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