It was a spectacular show on the front lawn of the National Museum of Singapore...
Thankfully, there weren't any incidents...the authorities no doubt were on high alert...the Government people very likely on tenterhooks during the 4 nights of activities in the Arts district of Singapore.
The crowds were large. The shows went on till 2am. Anything can happen amidst such a large gathering of people - all it takes is one suicide bomber to inflict many casualties. We are reminded - not if but when...
Soon F1 will come around in September - crowded and noisy...
Only the Universe can spare us based on the Law of Cause And Effect...
They come sooo very close to the public you can get trampled on. They are moving around on stilts and the lawn can be uneven but these performers are consummate professionals. The Dutch troupe came in a month earlier to study the place, plan and rehearse