100. THE SWASTIKA - in Sanskrit - SVASTIKA
Being a universal symbol, the swastika cross is present in the symbol of the Theosophical movement
A shrine in Nepal
Mdm. Helena Blavatsky (post 95: The Theosophical Society) had this to say on the Swastika in her Theosophical tome The Secret Doctrine:
" Few world-symbols are more pregnant with real occult meaning than the Swastika.
It is symbolized by the figure 6, for, like that figure, it points in its concrete imagery, as the ideograph of the number does, to the Zenith and the Nadir, to North, South, West and East - one finds the unit everywhere, and that unit reflected in all and every unit
It is the emblem of the activity of Fohat* of the continual revolution of the ‘wheels,’ (the Dharma wheel (left) - the Natural Cycle of the Law of Life)) and of the Four Elements, the ‘Sacred Four’ in their mystical and cosmic meaning, further, its four arms, bent at right angles, are intimately related, as shown elsewhere, to the Pythagorean and Hermetic scales.
For one initiated into the mysteries of the meaning of the Swastika, can trace on it, with mathematical precision, the evolution of the Cosmos and the whole period of Sandhya (twilight) "
The essence of cosmic electricity. An occult Tibetan term for primordial light (Daivi-Prakriti) and in the Universe of Manifestation, the ever-present electrical energy and ceaseless destructive and formative power (Creation and Destruction)...
Esoterically, it is the same Fohat being the universal propelling Vital Force - at once the Propeller and the Resultant -
Theosophical Glossary pg 121
The representations of Buddha with the Swastika cross on his chest being called the ‘Seal of the Heart’ are well-known.
Bahai Temple
The Swastika is a symbol of cosmic evolution, an image represented in many temples in India, Tibet, China and other countries with Hindu and Buddhist traditions. It is the very symbol of Esoteric Buddhism
Over the years, the meanings and significance of many esoteric symbols (post 98: Ida and Pingala) have been blurred or erased from our consciousness often by those who've hijacked these symbols and made it their own - after Hitler, the Swastika became associated with everything negative (the work of Jews, no doubt, Christians and other clerics)
Despite these facts, or maybe because of them, Christian missionaries did their utmost to classify the Swastika as 'diabolical' in an attempt to destroy one of the oldest sacred symbols, which is also the origin of 'their' own Christian cross. Yet to honestly recognise the evolution of the cross as a symbol would be like accepting that Christianity illegitimately adopted religious images belonging to much earlier traditions.The crimes committed since the 3rd and 4th Century by Christian fanatics and later by the Jesuits from the 16th Century were, in a sense, intensified in the 1st decades of the 20thC by Nazi and fascist regimes.
'Christian' authoritianism has submitted and persecuted Christian nations and tried to suppress the mystical and authentic Christianity while also waging war on other religions. The same disrespect for life was adopted by the Nazis.
Accordingly, the Vatican gave implicit political support to Nazism and Fascism...
in Singapore, is a SAP (Special Assistance Plan) school for students strong in the Mandarin and English languages.
The Red Swastika Society -
is a voluntary association founded in China in 1922 as the philanthropic branch of the Daodeshe - Society of Dao and Virtue, a Taoist school, which than changed its name to Daoyuan.
It was one of a number of new transnational world redemptive societies, drawing on examples such as the Red Cross, to build charitable institutions grounded in religions such as Buddhism and Taoism.
Generally, its mission was a broad based effort of philanthropy and moral education. It ran poorhouses, soup kitchens, hospitals and relief work at disaster sites.
Perhaps its most storied contact with history was its role in the Nanking Massacre. The rampage of the occupying Japanese forces through the city left thousands dead in the streets.
The Society stepped in to assist in burials. Records of these activities from the Society have provided important primary resources for research into the scale of the atrocity and the location of mass graves.
The Society stepped in to assist in burials. Records of these activities from the Society have provided important primary resources for research into the scale of the atrocity and the location of mass graves.
Although it seems to have been suppressed during the Maoist rule, the Red Swastika Society continues today as a religious organisation focused on charity.
It has branches in areas of the Chinese diaspora with a HQ in Taiwan. Besides its charity work, the Society runs two schools in Hong Kong and one in Singapore
It has branches in areas of the Chinese diaspora with a HQ in Taiwan. Besides its charity work, the Society runs two schools in Hong Kong and one in Singapore