Saturday, July 04, 2009


On a recent lazy Sunday, I got off my butt to go on another walkabout to check out more old buildings, Sunday being a quieter day without the surroundings being flooded with people and traffic. (save for Little India) The most annoying thing to see is a beautiful facade covered by some stupid banner advertising something or other that has nothing to do with that building.

A replica of a memorial altar in Changi Prison Museum, in an annexe of the prison.  

The narrow confines of a cell with its high windows. Man's propensity for cruelty is so creative, its frightening.

My Mickey Mouse camera couldn't take just a single shot of the Sultan Mosque in Arab St. as its large and sprawling. This is the Malay Muslim, Arab, and now Turkish sector of Singapore. This old mosque is iconic to this area. Some of the more beautiful buildings in Singapore are houses of worship but they had and still do, money to begin with...it's easy to get lots when all they do is collect and let their members work and scrimp on their behalf...

I adore spiral staircases. These are emergency escape routes at the back of shophouses - that will include emergency exits for philandering husbands...
Above - another retro art decor facade - memories come flooding back to a time that was gentle, romantic, sexy - when men and women get into affairs with no hang-ups about the men being married and the women are either left holding the baby or are happy to be one of the mistresses. Come to think of it, it's pretty much like that today only difference is, the wives now fight back and they don't just get even, they get everything.

A school building, its frontage a conserved heritage building with beautiful art decor touches...and a weather vane with a rooster - how old world is that?

Shophouses as colourful as the wares sold in Little India, the Indian part of Singapore. On Sundays, the place looks like a typical street in Tamil Nadu with fragrant smells of spices and curry powder and hot chapatis on a griddle. The streets become flooded with zillions of workers from India and Bangladesh touching base with friends and family members working here, shopping for market produce for the week, remitting money back home...

It's interesting to watch them but they are those who can't keep their hands to themselves and would brush their hands or elbows against your backside or your chest, this is one street where the police have a presence on Sundays sitting atop a tower keeping a watchful eye on a sea of chiefly men

This Indian temple is quite different from most other Indian temples, this one is almost retro in its decor with 3 stupas on its roof. Its definately not South Indian, the inside too was as simple as its facade, without a pantheon of gods, its monks and worshipers looked more Gujeratis.