post 24 - The Beast in Man
post 37 - Gooood Mooorniiing Vietnam!
S21 - Toul Sleng Genocide Museum.......
The walls were lined with pictures of those condemned to horrific deaths - they were the young, old, sickly, infirmed...seems like no one was spared.
It takes just 1 man to start a war, just 1 man to snuff out the lives of many hundreds and thousands of his own people - what kind of beast is this?
Sometimes he's referred to as The Devil, sometimes Satan. He's being here before in the guise of Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Saddam Hussein, and many others - known and unknown....he'll always show up, past, present, future.
I knew S21 and The Killing Fields would be depressing places to visit but it was necessary.
This face haunted me - knowing she and her infant were headed for certain death, there was a serenity about her - she's resigned to her fate...she has accepted her karma...
Iron shackles for maximum discomfort
Tools of mass destruction, simple, primitive, effective
The Killing Fields
...where the Khmer people were executed and dumped into pits they were made to dig earlier. The Nazis and the Japanese did the same, so did the Bosnians and Serbians - and many others I'm sure - history repeats itself - the powerful learn from each other.....
If there's one thing man has learned from history is...they've not learned anything.
post 37 - Gooood Mooorniiing Vietnam!
S21 - Toul Sleng Genocide Museum.......
The walls were lined with pictures of those condemned to horrific deaths - they were the young, old, sickly, infirmed...seems like no one was spared.
It takes just 1 man to start a war, just 1 man to snuff out the lives of many hundreds and thousands of his own people - what kind of beast is this?
Sometimes he's referred to as The Devil, sometimes Satan. He's being here before in the guise of Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Saddam Hussein, and many others - known and unknown....he'll always show up, past, present, future.
I knew S21 and The Killing Fields would be depressing places to visit but it was necessary.
This face haunted me - knowing she and her infant were headed for certain death, there was a serenity about her - she's resigned to her fate...she has accepted her karma...
Iron shackles for maximum discomfort
Tools of mass destruction, simple, primitive, effective
The Killing Fields
...where the Khmer people were executed and dumped into pits they were made to dig earlier. The Nazis and the Japanese did the same, so did the Bosnians and Serbians - and many others I'm sure - history repeats itself - the powerful learn from each other.....
If there's one thing man has learned from history is...they've not learned anything.
5000 years 3000 wars - that's man's record - Osho