Friday, April 13, 2007


My gallivanting days are over - at least for a while until I'm eligible for leave. Reality bites. It's back to work to pay for my wanderlust.

Gawd, it's hard to have my free spirit reined in and have it conform to the working world. Be at work by a certain time, have lunch by a certain time and be back when the hour's up, having to adjust to the culture of the place and the inevitable politics of my co-workers.

I had banged on the doors of the Universe, my Masters, Baba, whoever was listening, to get me a great place to work, where I can be happy and fulfilled, short week, short hours, long leave. 

It did occur to me I was asking too much, but I never thought such a workplace exists in Singapore....until I read my contract and lo! 5 day work week? Check. 9 - 4? Fantastic. Lunch provided? Money saved. 21 days annual leave? Crikey!

My many years of community service has prepared me for this job. A job I discover I can carry out with detachment. My adult clients at this day care are autistic, wheelchair bound, have various degrees of physical and mental retardation with Down's and celebral palsy. It's like my service work, only better, I get paid!

Yesterday, my 2nd week here, I cleaned up one young man who had soiled his pants, it did'nt bother me too much, it was like picking up my dog's poo. I changed one girl's sanitary pad today. And today, an autistic strangled me with an elbow lock and almost lifted me off the ground, it took 2 male colleagues to pull him away. Through all this I was so detached and unaffected, it surprised even me. I did'nt quit out of fear, in fact, I did'nt think any more about it as soon as it was over. My Higher Self must want this, I am just the instrument.

I'm not sure about posting pics on this post. I can think of some interesting snaps of my guys using the toilet in which I watch them, to teach them to aim into the bowl and not spray all over the seat. I might get a warning for porn an
obscenity. Than again, I might just do it...if only to stir things up...